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6 Factors That Can Complicate a Collin County Divorce

 Posted on May 31,2022 in Divorce

Collin County Divorce LawyerThere really is no such thing as a “simple” divorce. Even when both parties are getting along enough to work out a settlement in a civil manner, deciding who gets what can become complicated. In less civil divorces, things can become highly complex very quickly. There are a few signs that should indicate to you that your divorce may be more on the complex side. Or, you may know even before you file that your divorce is not going to be easy. If you are facing a complex divorce, it is important that you work closely with a well-qualified attorney. Complex divorces can require significant legal skills to successfully navigate. 

What Are Some Signs That My Divorce Will be Complicated?

If your divorce entails any of the following, you should expect some complications: 

  • Animosity - Amicable divorces tend to be easier, as both parties are likely to make reasonable concessions for the sake of keeping the peace. However, when there is significant animosity between the spouses, negotiating a settlement is not likely to be easy. Your spouse may refuse to compromise simply to spite you. Litigation is a strong possibility. 

  • Hidden assets - If you suspect that your spouse is concealing assets, your attorney will need to investigate further to find them. This process can take some time and you can expect zero cooperation from your spouse. 

  • False allegations - If your spouse has falsely accused you of abusing them or your children, using drugs, or anything else that could impact your case, disproving them may be a difficult process. Restraining orders may be taken out under false pretense. Overcoming false accusations can be tricky. 

  • Homemaker - If one of you did not work for pay during the marriage, alimony may become a pressing concern. The breadwinner is likely going to be ordered to pay some spousal support. 

  • Actual abuse - If you were abused by your spouse, divorcing them may be difficult. Abusers are often control freaks, and they may not let you go without a fight. 

  • Mental illness - If your spouse has a serious mental illness, including a substance abuse disorder, getting them to cooperate with the divorce process may not be easy. They may not show up for court or mediation when they are supposed to. It may be difficult to even get a hold of them. 

Going through a complicated divorce can be emotionally and legally challenging. It is important that you let your attorney know if you fear that your divorce will be difficult. 

Contact a Collin County Divorce Lawyer

Pfister Family Law handles even the most complex divorce cases with confidence. Our talented Frisco divorce attorneys will help you reach a divorce decree that is fair to you whether your spouse cooperates or not. Call 972-954-6455 for an initial consultation. 



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