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Four Tips for Making Divorce Faster and Easier

 Posted on September 22,2022 in Divorce

TX divorce lawyerIf you have decided that you are going to pursue a divorce, there is nothing to be gained by dragging your feet or delaying the inevitable. Getting divorced will not be easy, but it does not need to take many months—all while you have put your life on hold. In many situations, you might be able to get through the entire divorce process in just a few short weeks, but if you hope to do so, you and your spouse will need to work together. Let’s look at a few things that you can do to expedite your divorce.

1. Create a Plan

One of the best ways to eliminate unnecessary delays in your divorce is to work through as many of the relevant issues as you are able to with your spouse. The two of you will probably not agree on every concern, so start with the little things. If you are not really worried about keeping certain items or assets, for example, reach an agreement on those, then use the cooperative momentum to work on more difficult matters. Once you get the ball rolling, you will find it easier to live up to your decision to complete your divorce amicably.

2. Prioritize Your Wants and Needs

If negotiations between you and your spouse break down, controlling yourself and your desire to “win” could help the process move along more quickly. If you initiate an argument—or respond to your spouse when he or she picks a fight—on every issue in your divorce, progress will be nearly impossible. Decide on the things that matter most to you, such as your children or your business. Focus your attention on those important areas and let the less important things slide.

3. Be Present and Punctual

At some point in your divorce, you will probably need to appear in court, even if it is just to sign the final papers. If you are required to appear, be on time and dressed appropriately. You should also be ready to address any remaining outstanding matters. Being on time shows respect for your spouse and the court, which can contribute to a much smoother proceeding. Ironically, missing a required appearance could end the proceedings even quicker, but it would probably end in a default judgment in your spouse’s favor.

4. Work With a Frisco Divorce Lawyer

You might think that hiring a divorce attorney is only needed if you intend to fight out your divorce court. In reality, however, a qualified divorce lawyer can help you avoid contentious drama and nastiness by handling the bulk of details on your behalf. With an attorney at your side, you will have access to helpful legal advice and skilled guidance on filing all of the necessary paperwork. Your attorney can also catch potential mistakes before they become major problems for you and before they can slow down your divorce.

For more information, contact an experienced Collin County divorce attorney at Pfister Family Law. Call 972-954-6455 to schedule an initial consultation and case review today.


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