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How Are Child Support Payments Determined in Collin County? 

 Posted on January 28,2022 in Family Law

North Texas Divorce LawyerDivorce requires a family to restructure major aspects of their lives: their living arrangements, their relationships, their finances, and more. While the quality of the relationship between a parent and her child can and should be the most important concern following a divorce, financial arrangements are also very important. Understanding how child support is handled in Texas is essential for moving on with a steady and predictable budget after a divorce is finalized. If you are a divorcing parent in Collin County, TX, this information may be useful to you. 

Important Factors in Child Support Payments 

Texas courts use a special formula to estimate ideal monthly child support payments. Both parents’ income from all sources is taken into consideration. This includes salary, hourly, and overtime pay, as well as bonuses, tips, commissions, and other monetary benefits.

Additional factors that courts take into consideration include the age and needs of each child, the amount of time each parent spends with the child, the cost of child care, and the cost of moving a child between households. Most parents do not make exactly the same amount of money and spend exactly the same amount of time with their children, so one parent almost always ends up paying the other parent-child support. 

Texas courts recognize that many parents will try to superficially reduce the appearance of income immediately prior to child support calculations. Therefore, a parent’s income history, and not current income, is the single most important factor when determining child support payments. 

When Can Courts Deviate From Child Support Formulas? 

While Texas courts rarely deviate from standard child support calculations, judges may depart from these formulas under certain circumstances. These include, but are not limited to: 

  • A child with significant or ongoing medical needs

  • A child with special educational needs

  • An adult child with a legal disability 

  • Parents who make significantly more money than the standard support calculations consider

  • Any other situation that requires it for the best interests of the child 

Contact a Collin County Child Support Lawyer

Anticipating child support is important when you are planning for life after divorce. Whether you expect to be paying or receiving child support, the experienced Frisco, TX child support attorney at the Pfister Family Law may be able to help. We will advocate passionately for you and take your preferences into account as we navigate through the entire divorce process by your side. Contact us at 972-954-6455 to schedule your initial, no-risk case review today. 



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