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How Can Fathers Establish Paternity in Texas?

 Posted on September 23,2021 in Family Law

North Texas Paternity AttorneyIn Texas, when a child is born to unmarried parents, a father’s right to be involved in the child’s life is not guaranteed. If you are a father who wants custody of your children, you will need to ensure that you take the proper steps to establish legal paternity. However, there is more than one way to be recognized as a child’s legal parent, and it is important that you understand the method that is most appropriate for your situation.

Presumptions of Paternity in Texas

According to Texas law, a man is presumed to be the legal father of a child when he was previously married to the mother, and the marriage ended within 300 days of the child’s birth. If your child was born soon after your divorce from the mother, you may not need to take further action to establish paternity. However, a presumption of paternity is rebuttable if, for example, another man purports to be the biological father. It may be a good idea to consult with an attorney to see if you need to take further steps to protect your rights as a father.

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What Can I Do If I am Not Receiving Child Support in Texas?

 Posted on September 14,2021 in Child Support

Frisco family lawyerBetween housing, groceries, extracurricular fees, and childcare expenses, raising a child can be expensive. If you are a parent, you know this first-hand. Child support payments can help an unmarried or divorced parent cover child-related costs, however, getting the child support you need and deserve is not always easy. If you are not currently receiving any financial support from your child’s other parent, you should know that there are steps you can take to establish child support or enforce your current child support order. An experienced family law attorney can help.

Make Sure You Have an Official Child Support Order

In an ideal world, every parent would do his or her share to ensure that his or her child’s financial needs were met. In reality, many parents try to avoid child support. This is why it is important for every parent to obtain a formal child support order from the court. If you and your child’s other parent had a verbal agreement about how much money he or she would pay you each month, the state does not have any authority to recover the past-due payments from the other parent.

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How to Determine the Value of a Business for a Texas Divorce

 Posted on September 02,2021 in Divorce

Frisco High-Asset Divorce AttorneyWhen you are going through a divorce, all of the financial assets you acquired throughout your marriage can be affected by the division of marital property. This can be especially concerning to business owners, who may be at risk of losing their business, or at least a substantial share of it. If you have business assets to divide in your divorce, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you protect them as much as possible.

One important step in determining how a business will be handled in a Texas divorce is obtaining a business valuation. However, different types of businesses may need to be valued in different ways, and you should be sure to understand the option that best applies to your circumstances.

Understanding Different Business Valuation Methods

Not all businesses are created equal. For the purposes of business valuation in a divorce, a publicly-traded business may need to be valued very differently from a closely-held family business, for example. Your attorney can help you work with a knowledgeable financial professional to determine the most appropriate valuation method for your business. Options include:

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